Praise Women and They'll Want to Be the Boss?
Doesn't it just figure? A new study finds that highlighting women's achievements makes us want to be the boss. According to, p ublic feedback about a woman's performance can significantly increase her willingness to lead, even in male-dominated environments, new research indicates. And the teams led by these women are subsequently more likely to perform well. The research, by Dr Jingnan Chen from the University of Exeter Business School, found increasing the number of men in mixed-gender teams has a negative impact on women's willingness to lead, especially on tasks seen as stereotypically male. Publicly acknowledging women's abilities and achievements, however, helps to alleviate this effect, the web site reports. I hate to say it but doesn't this make you just want to scream? How dare we take advantage of our achievements?! Is this men condescending to us? In male-stereotyped industries, women in both mixed and single gender groups ar...