
Showing posts from June, 2019

When Choices Aren't a Good Thing . . .

Who doesn't like to have choices ?   Who hates to have choices? It's a crazy thing but when p eople are faced with more options than they can effectively consider  to m ake a good decision, a lot of the time they’re unable to do so, according to the results of a novel study from the University at Buffalo that used cardiovascular measures and fictional dating profiles to reach its conclusions, states. Despite the apparent opportunities presented by a lot of options, the need to choose creates a “paralyzing paradox,” according to Thomas Saltsman, a graduate student in the UB Department of Psychology and co-author of the study with Mark Seery, an associate professor of psychology at UB, the web site reports. “You want to make a good choice, but feel like you can’t,” says Saltsman. “This combination of perceiving high stakes and low ability may contribute to a deep-seated fear that one will inevitably make the wrong choice, which could stifle the decisi...

Want to Be Successful? Hire a Liar

Want to know a scary secret?  You may have a propensity for hiring liars. When it comes time to negotiating a big sale, it turns out we tolerate people stretching the truth , and even expect it, according to New research from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business finds that the ability to deceive is viewed as a sign of competence in jobs that require selling. Chicago Booth Assistant Professor of Behavioral Science  Emma Levine  and Johns Hopkins University’s Brian Gunia find that people don’t always disapprove of deception . In fact, they perceive the ability to deceive as an asset in occupations that are stereotyped as high in “selling orientation.” “Deception, in the form of fraud , embezzling, and corruption, costs the economy a great deal of money and undermines the economy’s underlying moral fabric,” Gunia and Levine explain at the site. “Companies expose themselves to greater risk by hiring deceivers.” In two pilot studies, the ...