
Want to be a Better Boss? Play with Your Kids

 It may be hard to believe, in these hours when we're yelling at our kids to do their homework, stop fighting with each other and get out from underfoot while they're "hybrid" learning.  But a new study has found that, if you can interact peaceably with your kids, it may make you a better boss . According to, new research from the University of Georg ia found that "positive interactions with your child during your off hours can make you a better leader." The study examined two samples of 46 and 113 managers, measuring whether participants had experienced positive interactions with their families—such as working together on a project or laughing together, each day after work. The study also looked at whether participants felt connected to their family and satisfied with their family life in general. "The researchers also analyzed leadership practices , asking participants how often they engaged in behaviors such as making sure employees know...

If You Don't Have Hope, You're More Likely to Take Risk

  It's been hard to have hope during this time of illness and death.  But h aving hope for the future could protect people from risky behaviours such as drinking and gambling - according t o new research from the University of East Anglia, reports. Researchers studied 'relative deprivation' - the feeling that other people have things better than you in life. They wanted to find out why only some people experiencing this turn to escapist and risky behaviours such as drinking alcohol, taking drugs, over-eating or gambling, while others do not. And they found that the answer lies in hope. Postgraduate researcher Shahriar Keshavarz, from UEA's School of Psychology, is quoted at the web site, saying: "I think most people have experienced relative deprivation at some point in their lives. It's that feeling of being unhappy with your lot, the belief that your situation is worse than others, that other people are doing better than you. "Roosevelt...

Half-Full or Half-Empty? Your Memory Depends on It

When you hit a wall backing out of the driveway, and smash up your whole car, do you think, now I can get a new car?  Or, how am I going to pay for it? Half-full or half-empty.  How you see the world may affect your ability to hold on to your memories  as you age. According to a new study, a positive attitude  predicts less memory decline, reports. "A new study published has found that people who feel enthusiastic and cheerful—what psychologists call ' positive affect' —are less likely to experience memory decline as they age. This result adds to a growing body of research on positive affect’s role in healthy aging ," says the web site. A team of researchers analyzed data from 991 middle-aged and older U.S. adults who participated in a national study conducted between 1995 and 1996, 2004 and 2006, and 2013 and 2014. In each assessment, participants reported on a range of positive emotions they had experienced during the past 30 days. Seeing a cherr...

Can Your Boss Help You Get Through Covid-19?

  Well, not likely. But according to a new study, the right kind of boss can help reduce stress ,  and increase engagement and pro-social behavior in their workers who were anxious about COVID-19, according to  “A global pandemic can lead some people to think about their own mortality, which will understandably make them more stressed and less engaged at work,” the web site quotes  Jia (Jasmine) Hu , lead author of the study and associate professor of  management and human resources  at The Ohio State Unive rsity’s  Fisher College of Business .   “But business leaders who are attentive to employees’ emotional needs and unite them behind a common purpose made a positive difference and helped workers stay engaged at work and contribute to their communities.”  Several studies verified this.  One study involved 163 workers at an information technology company in eastern China who filled out surveys twice a day over three ...

CEOs Have It Good, Except for Lifespans

It's not at all surprising but a new study has found that, if you're a CEO , you might not live as long as your mailboy. That's because, duh, job stress takes a big toll on your lifespan, according to The web site gives as an example, James Donald, CEO, of Starbucks from 2005 to 2008.  In those three short years, he went from looking his age of 50, with dark hair and "just a hint  of crow’s feet around his eyes. By the time he left after the financial crisis of 2007–2008, however, his hair was grey, and his eyes and forehead were deeply lined with wrinkles. According to machine-learning analysis, he looked more than five years older than his actual age," newswise reports. “It’s very clear that living through this crisis led to significantly faster aging ,” the web site quotes Ulrike Malmendier, Berkeley Haas’ Edward J. and Mollie Arnold Professor of Finance.  Photographic analysis of Donald and other CEOs living through the financial crash is just o...

Taking Common Pain Relievers? They May Make you Bungee Jump off a Tall Bridge

Common pain relievers . They're what we use for headaches, cramps , muscle pulls .  But what if they can also cause us danger?  A new report says using them can alter our perception of risk , according to While  acetaminoph en  is helping you deal with your headache, it may also be making you more willing to take risks, a new study suggests.  "People who took acetaminophen rated activities like 'bungee jumping off a tall bridge' and 'speaking your mind about an unpopular issue in a meeting at work' as less risky than people who took a placebo, researchers found," newswise explains.  The website adds that use of the drug also led people to take more risks in an experiment where they could earn rewards by inflating a virtual balloon on a computer: Sometimes they went too far and the balloon popped.  “Acetaminophen seems to make people feel less negative emotion when they consider risky activities – they just don’t feel as scared,” newswis...

Are You Optimistic? Chances Are, You Are, For Life

  It's kind of hard to believe right now but a new study has found that humans are, well, optimistic , for most of life, a ccording to Logically you would think the happiest time of your life would be when you're young, and everything lies ahead of you.  But that's a time of discomfort and anxiety and sometimes panic as you find your way. Then it was said that the elderly are the happiest because, even though they're at the end of their lives, they're not fighting and competing like they did when they were younger.  They pretty much let everything go. Researchers from Michigan State University led the largest study of its kind to determine how optimistic people are in life and when, as well as how major life events affect how optimistic they are about the future, the website reports. But, “We found that optimism continued to increase throughout young adulthood, seemed to steadily plateau and then decline into older adulthood,” newswise quotes William C...